Remember that WW1 FPS?

A few years ago well about 2-3 years. GallicaStudios (I think that's what they're called) teased a ww1 fp/rpg. I personally watched that trailer and was very excited. Much hasen't been heard up until now I guess because the game Valiant Hearts kinda made them look bad . For a team of just two I admire their work and so what do you think? Is it unique? Would you buy it? Do they need help with this game?

Another Example of WIP:

A ww1 fps? Seems like it would get kind of boring after a while...............

Then again, Planetside 2 is a bigger meat grinder than any battle of the first world war, and people still play that.


There are other ww1 trench games. e.g. Verdun

Have a look around. Personally, I don't play any. I recommend Red Ochestra 2 as a particularly good ww2 multiplayer online game. If you purchase Rising Storm, you get all the Red Ochestera multiplayer content included.

I would love to try a new shooter but personally call of duty has ruined the Military FPS genre for me.