I recently rented a new house. The Google Fiber jack is located in the master bedroom which doesn’t work for setting up a modest home lab. I’m planning on relocating the jack to another bedroom, my office.
Google doesn’t care if I relocate the jack, but doesn’t offer this service. I’ve called a few local IT or network/cabling companies, but either they don’t do residential or they don’t work on external fiber stuff. So, I’m starting to consider doing it myself.
There is plenty of fiber line to get from the Google utility box to the office. Also, the office already has an old coaxial jack available. So, I’m thinking that it may be as easy as physically re-routing the fiber line and attaching the fiber jack where the old coaxial box’s location. Also, avoiding staring into the fiber line or getting the core dirty.
Would this be an easy job or should I not be considering this? Any recommendations/feedback or documentation welcome.