I'm currently learning Unreal Engine 3 and I was wondering if it is possible to remake a game and release it on steam for free. If I'm not making any money on either the engine nor the game, can I release it on steam? Or do I have to get permission from the original game developers? I'm new in all this so a fair and informative answer would be HIGHLY appreciated.
Typically, it is a BIG no no to remake a game, especially if the game is still actively being made (sequels, spin-offs, supported games). If it also has patented characters and you use them in game, like let's say Mario or Link, that's also asking for a lawsuit.
Before going forward and making the game, approach the company and be as upfront with them as possible. Capcom recently allowed a game to be released on PC, Megaman Unlimited, and was developed to be entirely in the image of Megaman from the NES (1-6, 9, & 10) and be released for free, where they take no money for the game. That is where it can work. The game looks and feels exactly how Megaman felt on the NES, and is a flawless game i still play repeatedly because of my fondness for the game series. I am not sure if they had to send game updates to them and have them play it before releasing the game. No company just wants to let anyone touch their patented characters and tarnish their image.
Summing up, contact the company who originally developed the game and tell them you would like to make a spin off game, receive no monetary compensation for said game, not sure if they would let you release it on Steam or not even if it was for free, also Steam has a Greenlight fee if i am not mistaken, which would be up to you to pay for, and tell them you would like to work with them to be able to develop said game. Hope this helps!
How about if I just didn't release the said game and gave it to a bunch of friends. I wanted to remake call of duty 4 in unreal engine 3. The game's mechanics, animations, and level design wouldn't be hard to recreate. I want to remake the game as practice and as a learning experience and, maybe, I'll let some of my friends play. Would that be ok? I wouldn't release the game unless I got the OK from IW and Activision.
I think there was a tek episode on this exact thing, it was like a 3d tunnel shooter remake of some old side scroller i think. They had to change a few things including the name to continue.
That was the Descent spiritual successor, Sol Contingency. They are still making the game, just they have to remove all assets related to Descent. However, the issue goes deeper than this.
Well, if you are not selling the game at all and you ask permission for it, it could work. Just remember there have been some fan remakes that have received cease and desist letters: Chrono Trigger: Crimison Echoes, Chrono Resurrection,
However, there are some fan-remakes that are still in development and got the A-OK: Project AM2R, Black Mesa Source, Goldeneye: Source, Mother 4. Look into those.
Yeah I heard about goldeney: source. But yeah I'll make a level and send it to activision or IW and get the OK. I might not even do anything except a few campaign levels. No mp because then activision would be losing out on money.
Street of Rage Remake and a few other ones got some flack for not asking permission, so yea I would ask the creators/distributrors/rights first. They can embrace it like "Ragnorak Battle Offline" or shut it down like how Sega did to "Street of Rage remake".
PS. Unless you have a developer who will pay your way into steam. You will have to be 'greenlighted' first.