Hi, so recently i fucked up my windows, to the point where I couldnt boot to it anymore, tried to repair with ASUS repair tool that came with my computer, which was supposed to revert my computer back to how it was when i got it. It didnt. Anyways I ended up installing Ubuntu and im running it right now. Now i do have windows 7 on this machine but its really fail, like it cant detect my networking card so I cant connect to the internet, as well as being filled with all sorts of preinstalled crap from asus. Anyway i'd like to have my windows back and actually be able to connect to the internet, I want to install windows 7 back fresh on my machine, but still keep Ubuntu since i kinda like it. Now i how do i do this, i guess i would have to download windows but how do i install it, to run alongside Ubuntu, like with two operating systems where i can choose from what i wanna run on boot. HOW I DO DIS?
And sorry for being noob and computers, suppose thats why i came here tho, to ask the experts!
I would say the easy way out would be to install a fresh copy of Windows and over write everything and then after that install Ubuntu on a seperate partition of however much space you want.
[OPTIONAL] do this afterwards http://teksyndicate.com/users/teebler/blog/2012/11/19/how-get-better-looking-boot-loader
lulz nvm teebler got to it before i could
Okay, so how do I install a fresh copy and overwrite everything? thanks for the quick response
Acuire windows from somewere and put it on a disk or flash drive depending on what you have ( or if you have a official cd that is just as good) then change your bios to boot from your media and you can then go through the installer.
ok, will do, thanks for the help guys.