Regen. Ag podcasts

It’s not a pleasant sight to see all the plants inside pots on the gardening thread, and yeah it’s all about convenience, but nature knows how to do this, and for “unwanted plants” control, it seems like cover crops help with this a lot.

Composting and adding this to your top soil will naturally fertilize the barren probably life-less dirt on your property, and adding plants into the soil will start the process of nutrient transportation, water retention and all that good stuff.

The whole idea is to minimize the cost of added soil, containers, store-bought fertilizers and whatever other inputs you all are buying.

Here are two exceptional podcasts that I think will really convince you all that revitilizing soil is actually quite easy–and more sustainable. Once you get it going again, get this

It keeps getting better!

Regenerative Agriculture podcast, yeah unique name, but that’s it

Start from episode 1 and after you listen to episode 2, I’d like to read some feedback on your thoughts and what you’ve learned. It is quite incredible the wealth of information there is in just those two episodes.

Real Organic Podcast, not that fake commercial shit, this the the real deal folks, so real that it is NOT suitable for young audiences because they won’t understand it, but also because they’ll immediately lose all faith and repsect for certain “regulations” and “certifications”.

I want to take a marker, go to the store and write


In big letters on everything that says “organic” on it, and instead of the radio on the speakers, play this podcast throughout the whole store. Then, if they have any televisions, play some serious commercial food production documentaries near the meat isle., but there’s probably rules against all of that, but it sure would cause a stir.