Reducing Space on my SSD (Pagefile.sys & Hiberfil.sys)

I hate to make a new topic on this, I have searched but I have not found the exact problem I'm having.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I'm on windows 7

Basically my Pagefile.sys and Hiberfil.sys files are getting quite big (around 7GB each) I never use Hibernation so I want to get rid of the Hiberfil.sys file, I have run this line "powercfg –h off" in command prompt to delete the Hiberfil.sys but it says Invalid parameters. How else can I delete it?

Also I know how to shrink down the Pagefile.sys to like 1 or 2gb but I was wondering are there any disadvantages or problems that could occur if I did that?

Thanks in advance.

How much ram does your pc have? if you have like 8GB you can just shut off page file as you dont need it

Yea it has 8gb

that command has nothing to do with deleting hibernation if you do powercfg /? it will show you this.

click on start then right click on 'my computer' go to properties. in the window that opens go to the left side and click 'advanced system properties;

in the new window that opens under performance click 'settings'

then in the new window click the advanced tab

then under virtual memory click change.

uncheck the box at the top then you can select none, or custom size.

if you want to keep it at like 1 or 2 GB i would first set it to no page file then click set then do the custom option. this will make it delete the file and start over with a fresh file for page file.

something else to gain back some space is to open my computer and right click on the hard drive and go to properties then click disk cleanup

You need to run cmd with administrator rights. And before you use that command you need to use this one:
powercfg.exe /hibernate off

Or this. Follow these instructions to the letter or just use the provided registry tweak that does the job automatically:

As for the pagefile. It doesn't have to be on your primary drive. You can just disable it on your primary SSD and enable it on a secondary, preferably mechanical drive. Its what I do and it serves me well.

i run hibernation off
page file disabled,
and virtual memory off or at 700mb