Redflags or tips for my first budget gaming build?

Trying to stick around $800 including windows and a monitor. I would appreciate any pointers. Intended to be used as a cs:go machine, primarily, but would like some versatility to branch out eventually.

Pretty good build for CS:GO, won't last very long, if you plan on going other games, but it'll work.

I'd go for a better CPU if you can scrape some more money together. Source loves CPU power.

Have you any other storage devices? There's only a 120GB SSD listed there, and you're not going to get much else other than windows, a few essential programs and CS:GO on that.

Thanks VXAce,

worth it to upgrade to 8 core ya think for about $130?

what's my next weakest link if I'd like to branch out to other games in the future?

Yea, I wasn't planning on keeping too much on the SSD. Maybe just go 7200 1TB and take a hit on the loading times? It's a little cheaper than the SSD, obvs.

Possibly yes, a faster Intel chip with less cores might actually be a better idea, gaming tends to err towards single thread performance. I think there are plenty of examples of Intel based builds around here.

The weakest link really is that CPU and SSD, I would personally go for an HDD for thr size and price. Load time improvements are just e-peen at this level rig, not really actual performance.

You're going to want at least a 80+ bronze power supply so you don't fry your system when it shorts out.
I would get a 550w or 600w PSU and think about getting a hyper 212 evo or something of that nature.

TBH I'd get a 256GB SSD and get an HDD later. That way you can store a few steam games on there and load your game in seconds. Then get an HDD later for the cost of going to the movies and getting a popcorn combo.

Great, thanks for the help

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I appreciate it, VX

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Here you go.

Much better system. The nice thing is that the skeleton of the system is really nice and can easily be upgraded into a killer system as time goes on.

Well the SSD can easily be swapped out for a 256GB SSD for a few more bucks.

At 256GBs you can easily run windows and some games and still have room to spare.

The only reason I like starting out with a larger SSD first is because all you gotta do later is chuck in an HDD. You do not have to reinstall windows and the drivers. You just plug it in and go.

Your point is a very valid one, I just wanted to give the other side of the coin.

Power supplies do not work that way. There are plenty of 80+ gold PSUs that would fry your system before a plain 80+ PSU will.

And he only needs like 400 watts if that to run the system.

I agree that he should not use that PSU, but he is gonna have to run something like a corsair builder series PSU to at least get him going. Later on he can get something like an EVGA G2 750 watt on a super sale or something.

If you want to play CSGO with good framerates do NOT go with an amd cpu no matter how many cores it has. I had a fx6300 overclocked to the heck out of it before I upgraded to the cpu that i have now was getting about 160 fps occasional dips to the 90 and 80 if my memory serves me right. when I grabbed my cpu that I have now which is the Xeon 1231v3 basically an i7 4770 with no IGPU and alot cheaper was hitting about 170-300 fps. should be able to get that same type of performance with the i5 or an i3. I have a 270x as my graphics card. if ya been following me around a bit and i have seem to be obfuscating my responses i try to give an accurate answers as possible but my memory screws with me so sincerest apologies.

I would just download a copy of the win 8.1 ISO and Caugh obtain a genuine serial key

Just to save a couple bucks if you know what I mean

Little cheapo 80+ psu's are crap. I'm sorry I thought I had said EVGA 600B in there. Would give him room to upgrade to a bigger card later. I just want him to do some educated shopping and choose what he wants not my favorite brand is.

Sure he only uses "400w" but you don't want to put a PSU at anything over like 75-80% capacity. That's what keeps it HOT and it fries. Trust me bro I've done years of research.

@Tjj226_Angel Just another train of thought, I do more local storage and require much more HDD space. So I tend to recommend as such.

I also agree partially with @MrChumps comment. I run a FX-8320 and play at 70 fps capped. I can run more , but want a stable frame rate. CS:GO is better at a constant frame rate, not just insane frame rate bursts. But that's also just me, my laptop runs at 60 FPS and I do about the same, though I do occasionally have frame drops due to the HD4600 dying in smoke.

Well you might want to keep at your research.

The 80+ rating is simply a matter of how efficient the PSU is. It has nothing to do with the quality of the power supply.

All I am trying to say is that 80+ ratings are NOT a catch all solution to judging the quality of a PSU

Secondly, 75-80% load is actually the optimal load for a PSU to achieve maximum efficiency. Furthermore, the fan on the PSU is actually designed to dissipate the heat from higher loads anyways. Sooooooooo unless you are an idiot and you keep your computer on the carpet with no fresh air, you should be fine one way or another.

Lastly, load does not directly equal heat by the way. If you had a magic PSU that was 100% efficient, then you could put 110% load on the thing and it would barely get warm.

There are tons of factors that contribute to heat output of a PSU. Efficiency and load are both definite factors, but again, it is not a catch all cause for heat.

You're scaring me, since I did, in fact, go with the AMD. Here's the final build:

If you're serious about CSGO you might want to consider investing in a 120/144hz monitor, give me a moment. Also I believe CSGO works in linux*wink* wink so you could shave a hundred bucks off on your OS to throw at the faster refresh rate monitor.

Here would be my suggestion.
CPU: At this point, go with the 8350 or just get an FM2+ quad core, Because like unless you really need those 2 extra cores, it's a bit of money saved.

GPU: slightly improved
Storage: SSDs are nice, but for me at least, 128gbs of total storage is no where near enough, you can always get one later.

Monitor:144hz is the way to go if you're semi serious about your gaming, the downsides naturally are cost and worse color compared to the average IPS display.

Also there's that really popular ASUS for $30 more on neweegg at least

Total with shipping was a bit over $800, but just save up a tad more and you'd be good to go.