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I´ll bump this. The best threads are the ones with clear goals and the OP works out a problem with discussion in the forum rather than the standard question and disappear.

firefox - native

thunderbird - native

tf2 - native

quake3 - native

doom3 - native (works better in wine for me :D)

ksp - native

Web Ex - native

office - 03 worked in wine for me

notepad++ - perfectly with wine

planetside 2 - very bad ratings in wineHQ, propably not playable

mafia 2 - works in wine with worse performance vs. windows.

mass effect 3 - sort of working, with minor problems

DayZ - no idea, sry

battlefield 3 - no way.
 If you haven't seen this already this should be the way to go, if you have the right hardware. I will try this when I have some more experience with Linux.