So i've managed to get hold of Battlefield 4 and the game runs super smooth on my rig at 1280X720 on mid settings. But every so offten i'll get either a BSoD or a Red screen and reboot once a round has ended and starts loading up a new map.
A bunch of folks on the Battlelog forums have the same issue and are all mostly running AMD builds some even using intel chips with AMD GPU's and still getting it.
So i'm just wondering if this is due to a memory leak or something else as I don't understand the whole red screen issue when we have BSoD.
System build:
AMD 8350 @ 4Ghz *Stock*
ASRock 990FX Extreme 3
8 GB of Patriot memory
7970 Direct CUII TOP *Stock Not pushed past what it came as*
The temps are fine I get 60-68 on GPU & CPU when on full load.
Here is a LINK to the Battlelog forums about the guys having the issue.
,Thanks in advance.
I can only say that I saw a lot of the same reports during the game beta. If indeed it only happens with AMD GPU's and only under Windows 8 (it's definitely specific to Windows 8 at any rate) then it's probably something that will be solved in a driver or game update. After all the game is not quite released yet and there was a new driver just today/yesterday.
"Just a heads up - we are aware of the BF4 intermittent map change crash under Windows 8. We plan to have a fix posted by tomorrow afternoon"
Yeah saw this last night before I went off. Good new at least.