Yeah, I snagged it earlier today. Add another one to the back-log lol
Cool thanks for the heads up, just picked me up a copy :)
I love this game. It's much more of a team coordinated experience. Clear chain of command, a nice change of pace and a different flavour from BF4. It's still receiving updates and new maps, continual active development.
It's pretty emotional. Everyone gets into character rather well. Russians will suicide charge German tanks, taking out the tracks with hand grenades. Literally throwing themselves under the tanks and it is GLORIOUS! URRRAAAAAA! ZA RODINUUUU!
YES! This hits the nail on the head.
Number of times I have had tears in my eyes holding the final objective. Mowing people down with a MG. The game simulates waves of reinforcements, so you get this feeling of desperation when your team need to counter attack and save your position from being overrun. "The cavalry is on its wayyy!"
And there's nothing better than a mass bayonet charge. Whenever I get a bayonet kill, I scream NO SCOPE! xD
yeah... I love this game
Just remember to download it tonight fellas. As you won't keep it forever if you don't download it today.
See you on the battlefield.
I have an RO2 session planned for today, with one or two additional people. Likely a UK server. Anyone is welcome to join, but the ping might be a bit terrible.
newbie players inbound, guess ima have to take squad leader everytime i jump in :P
You still play often berserker? Add me on steam. I am usually on whenever I can.
Steam ID: LOLidontpullout
I usually play on the RS servers. Asymmetrical teams are just so much fun.
Btw, is it true that people who pick up RO2 for free are limited to playing the rifleman class in RS?
Thought they did away with that a while ago.
Everyone who purchased Rising Storm has access to RO2. RS is known as the "expandalone", and it should come with all the RO2 multiplayer content. I usually play the European theatre, as the different weapons classes seem a little more balanced. I do enjoy RS from time to time. I'll drop an invite.
Yea, i have RS and access to all the RO2 content, was just wondering if it was the same other way around.
The European maps are a nice change sometimes. Just wish they'd take that fallenfighters map out of rotation, its literally impossible.
Funny thing, I've see this guy called Beerserker on the RS servers.
Beerserker? Motherfucker is going down! The beer... down... haha... HAHAHAHA
Anyway, I thought you meant in retrospect. I've never heard of anyone with RO2 acquiring access to RS. Though, the development team seem quite fair, if we forgive the bugs in the game. Rewarding RO2 players seems like something they might consider. I like the fact that they are continually adding to the franchise and making previous games open to newcomers.
Fallen fighters is possible. But the Russian team would do well to push right, after immediately hitting the centre. While flanking opportunities are somewhat limited, you still have to stop the enemy dead in their tracks before you can push them back to their spawn. The Germans will simply retake the park if they can move down the Russian right, through the ruins.
Apartments is the meat grinder that every defending team hates. There's no real coordination on that map.
Yea, its good how they combined both games. Keeps the already small population from fragmenting even more.
Hmm, I always thought that at some point after the RS release they gave both games (multiplayer aspects) to anyone who had RS or RO2.
Apartments isnt that bad. The map is just small, so if the defenders lose the first points too early, its gets pretty hard to last until time runs out. My favorites are probably Mamayev, and possibly a good game of Bridges of Druzhina.
Bridges is my favourite map, but it rarely gets played. I often play campaign mode, and they often save Bridges until the last round. A sort of grand finale.
I heard there is a Red Orchestra 3 in development?
I havent had any word of RO3. Is there any credible source on that?
Judging from the release dates of Ostfront (2006) and RO2 (2011) it doesn't seem likely a third installation will be coming any time soon. And Rising Storm did come out just a year ago.
If its true, id be pretty excited. Americans vs Krauts on the western front maybe? Would love to be mowed down on those Normandy beaches.
I used to play RO2 but I switched to Rising Storm. The Japanese players roleplay so fucking hard haha.
Ye playing on the japanese team just has so many possibilities of gameplay. So satisfying to suicide nade into a room and get 5 kills
NICE! Russians and Japs are the best teams for roleplay