I have an old iMac from 2010 in my possession at the moment that hasn't been in use for quite some time (I built something much better). The iMac is something I never tried to sell, because simply enough I had too much of a conscious to ask money for the piece of crap xD
I saw your video on turning an old computer into an epic router which I thought was the absolute coolest thing ever. I was wondering if there were any way to maybe recycle an old iMac like mine whether it's stripping off whatever would be usable for a build, or something a little more creative. I'm honestly just looking for a fun project to work on when I get home from my crappy job xD. Otherwise, I can probably find a friend who needs, or would appreciate it more than I.
The apple website can describe it's specs better than I so here's a link to the Technical Specifications: http://support.apple.com/kb/SP588
Wipe out OSX and toss Ubuntu or Linux Mint on it and use it as a decent looking/performing browsing machine, and depending on hard drive size, possibly a Plex/XBMC server.
2010 iMacs are well supported, just note that hibernation/sleep/resume may not function. Bricking isn't an issue, just install the latest EFI firmware for your device (mid-2010 iMac in this case) and you can recover/re-install OSX via the 'net.
The big issue with Mac hardware in the first place is mainly proprietary design for what is otherwise just standard PC parts, and this is why it can be a pain in the ass to run Linux/BSD (unless you're using Darwin).
But it should be noted: "Your mileage may vary. No warranty provided, implied, or sold. Blah blah blah own risk. Blah blah blah thermonuclear war."
*edit* Here's the EFI update for the mid-2010 iMacs: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1493 - "This update enables Lion Recovery from an Internet connection on iMac (Mid 2010) models."
*edit #2* Terminal kung-fu will help if you're Ubuntu/Mint install doesn't boot to desktop after install. AMD/ATI drivers probably aren't enabled (I had this issue on Ubuntu 12.10). If OP decides to go this route, I can provide the workarounds I used to get it functional.
No problem. I'd also like to note that if you plan on doing an OS swap, look into any hardware upgrades beforehand as well. RAM and HDD/SSD are pretty easy to install in that iMac. I'd at least upgrade the RAM, the most simple of upgrades for your model of iMac.
You can always remove the laser from it's disc drive and use it to slowly but surely set it on fire with it and of course...film the whole event for general public entertainment.
this reminds me of how a gamestop employee looked at me when i complained about getting a ps3 my birthday / christmas when i wanted a 16gb kit of ram or a gpu
No reason to be disappointed with getting a PS3. You got a bluetooth controller that will work with your rig and the PS3 has some worthwhile exclusives (Infamous and Uncharted).
You "only" got a PS3.... If you don't want it, go sell it and buy some gifts and/or pizza for your local children's hospital. Sounds like you have a case of "first-world problems"....