Recording Software that Supports Mantle?

With Mantle being released, I've been playing BF4 at frame rates above 60 at ultra gfx settings on my R9 280X. Back in DirectX, I usually got like 50 FPS. But I kind of want to record my gameplay with Mantle. If I were to use Open Broadcaster to record BF4 while in windowed, I'd slump down to 50- FPS. It's not all that playable IMO, and much less is it enjoyable.

So, here is my question: Is there any software available that can record Mantle without a frame drop or without having to run the game in windowed?

I think don't think there is. Literally, the only software right now on the market that's supporting Mantle is Frosbite engine and that stupid Starswarm. You might be interested to know that Microsoft is also interested to push for DirectX and OpenGL to have low level hardware access too so you may not have to wait.