Allo everyone. I am in search of some recording software for Linux so I can transition more into the linux world. I am currently using Zorin OS 7 64-Bit. I need something that works like OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), that is capable of Recording from my webcam, screen and also live streaming. I have a software to edit video with, which I will be trying out LightWorks.
I thought it was possible to use OBS to record locally, or am I incorrect?
OBS needs the support from DX10, which Linux doesn't have.
You can try, VokoScreen Caster.
Or, SimpleScreenRecorder.
FYI, OBS is getting a rewrite and will have linux support. I for one don't think that it's great but whatever.
You know when it is going to be done?
They got the first builds working. Estimating how long something will take, especially with open source software, is doomed to fail.
Voko is good for screencasting, you can stream directly with your streamer to Twitch and stuff. The settings for this are even on the Twitch website. If you run bleeding edge, you can now even stream with the AMD open source drivers, they've open sourced the encoding codecs recently.
I have been trying to get Sabayon to install on my laptop and my desktop, I keep getting an unknown error.......
First run the live iso in safe mode. Sabayon comes by default with the proprietary drivers, and those are not kernel mode switching drivers, and there is no nomodeset in your bootscript, so it doesn't boot through.
If you run it in safe mode to install, everything will be sorted. Other alternative is to edit your boot parameters and to add nomodeset and maybe check your rd.blacklist entry. I typically don't even try what works, I just boot the live iso in safe mode, it'll use KMS drivers, it'll boot without problem, and the install is just the same as in the normal version, and it even looks the same. Practical solution lolz.
The error comes up when I am actually installing. I'll have to find a way to send the error report to you