I'm really interested in more enterprise focused hardware and tech content, so I'm wondering, any recommendations for YouTube channels (or podcasts), like TekSyndicate, LinusTT, etc. that are more focused on that aspect? Now, absolutely no offense meant, but you guys at TekSyndicate, and then I'm looking especially towards you wendell, keep teasing content like that but rarely actually put anything out. Again, what stuff you do put out I do really enjoy but I'm just wondering.
it's all shot, it's just a matter of editing. And the main channel probably doesn't really care for that kind of stuff. I am curious about other "enterprise" channels as well
coming soon, maybe. idk if thats the final home
Second subscriber, makes me so proud.
I suppose I'll be third then...
Alright, kidding aside, might be a good idea to put that sort of content up on a secondary channel, but what might be a concern is that that does mean that TekSyndicate is going to lose at least some income, 'cause I think it's relatively unlikely it'll get nearly as popular as the main channel(s). Hopefully that won't be an issue.
more channels = more income, and we might feature the really good instances of enterprise content on the main channel. I feel like most of our audience, if they have an easy way to sub, would sub to all the channels (e.g. how to live channel is really exciting)
Fair enough, but I was thinking more along the lines of time investment. I mean, if you put an X number of hours into something and then put it on the main channel it is guaranteed to get more views (therefore generate more income) then if you put in that same amount of time into something else and then put it on a secondary channel, but that fortunately isn't a problem then.
Quick off-topic side note, how come the channel was created exactly 1 day before I asked this question? You happen to be able to predict the future or something? Just curious.
First thing I thought after seeing the channel name was "Star Tek Enterprise". I don't even watch Star Trek.
These are the voyages.
10th :D
Not quite on enterprise hardware, but there's quite a few covering enterprise software such as MSSQL, I only sub to one though which focuses on MSSQL, but also got talks about Oracle and other enterprise level Database servers:
anyone want a sneak peek of the video about recovering an ntfs partition after a hardware raid controller ate it?
it might become the inaugural video of the enterprise channel
Yes please Wendell
Sneak peek would be nice.
Brent Ozar and crew are a nice bunch with some great content.
I highly recommend these free MCM videos on SQLSkills, they are a little old now but most of the core content is relevant to SQL Server 2012 and 2014: https://www.sqlskills.com/sql-server-resources/sql-server-mcm-training-videos/
I have emailed you with feedback
Yep, after hearing you talk about that I was thinking you might just be a wizard