Recommendations for learning how to code?

Hello Tek Lovers,

In the past I've learnt PHP, MySql, Java Script, HTML and CSS (wouldn't call the last two languages) to an extent, but none have really inspired me to develop anything. After watching some videos and reading about the open source movement, I've become quite interested in learning a language that will let me contribute and create applications of my own. Im wondering what the community thinks I should do, and if anyone has first hand experience, it would be awesome if you could tell me your opinions on what language to use and your preferred learning method. 



You should learn python as it's good for both graphical interfaces and scripts. Code academy is a self paced tech yourself to code website that's really helpful for me at least. Also Rice University is offering an introduction to python course through coursera starting February 13th.

Learn how to use github.

There, search for projects written in the languages you already know and contribute.

That, and

Thanks a lot :) I better get started.

contributing to an existing project is an amazing way to learn how to code, but only a few individuals can go from

"your software should do this"

'FU newb'

"I'm back, here is how you should implement X"

better approach is to find a project that is personal to you, but do not go searching for it because obviously you are not smart enough to think up something original if you can not code most platforms within a week.

That is why the personal route ALWAYS works.

Slutty Monkey loves water skiing.

Master-craft ski tow boat performance evaluation over the last 30 years w/ data. (been done)

Parts lookup database for said Master-craft ski tow boat (been done, not online very well but give em a call and it is a really great experience, so not much market there, in fact it takes away friends)

type of skis used/trophies when pulled by a Master-craft ski tow boat social interaction website (not complete)

bikini shots of babes on Master-craft ski tow boats (not even google-able)

Master-craft ski tow boat options by year and bikini style by year (nothing)

Master-craft TRUE marine engine specification cross use comparability chart(what?)

yes I said it the engines in Master-craft ski tow boats were actually re-branded off the shelf marine engines from other companies.

build dataset of examples based on the hypothesis

build web interface to solicit cover communications with other Master-craft owners that suspected such re branding

build SECURE gallery which houses photos that help prove Master-craft lied about the exclusivity of their marine power-plants from 1963 until 1984


Note the reference to build in the later parts of the scenario. That is how learning happens. Like literally in days. Not months or years... pure fairy dust.  I need to do this because it is THE topic. That is the key to programming. It is very creative but not creative at the same time. the problem solving is always a creative process the problem you are solving may be mundane or have already been solve a thousand times before you tried and did t well/poorly/or failed. The techniques of programming, the syntax of programming are all very simple. There is the first hurdle of "It is really that easy" answer yes. The next hurdle is; can I dive into something I know nothing about and blindly come out the other side as an utter failure; or as a success; or having learned something and don't know whether it was good or bad and be equally satisfied. That last part is a TRUE programmer.

In my opinion, one of the best ways to learn a language, is to simply buy a plain old textbook for whatever language you want to learn. It sort of gets you more committed.

I'd learn the concepts first like data types and loops then think of a problem you want to solve then go from there (aka lots of Googling). I'm teaching myself C++ atm and a friend told me about Collatz Conjecture and he had a program running on his DS Lite calculating how many steps it took to reach 1. I thought it would be cool to write it C++ to run it on a real computer and ended up with this:

After like 5 min his DS will be at around 200 but my desktop will be in the millions.

Simple steps :

1 Find something that you want to build (if someone is already working on an open source version help them via  github if not start it your self).

2 Start working on it and get people to get involved.

I know it sounds stupid but it the best way you can go , as for a programming language you choose what you need to make your project work (want to build an os ? do it in C , Rust etc ... want to bult a web service ? do it in python , php , javascrip/node ... want to build an android app do it in java )


Code academy or try some programming for kids books, depends on the language you wish to learn, I'd be happy to assist