Recommendation on Pfsense book?

Hey Everyone,

I'm starting to use pfsense more and more and was hoping for a book recommendation. Is there a guide or pfsense bible out there? A web series to pay attention to? What did you use to learn more about it?

I think there is an official pfsense book and when you buy it you support the project.
A little costly but it's official.

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Well, $25 isn't that bad - but I don't see the point in paying that every year.

Well you would pay it once and get the book in pdf form I believe but I think it's 100 bucks for the membership.
Might be worth a look was written in 2016.

You can by the book without the membership and it is about 25 or 35$USD. I purchase it a couple of months ago. Not entirely sure it was worth the money but I'm not complaining either. It is clear and specific. The addins are not covered and in most cases that is the majority of the questions I had.

It provided me with a good understanding of the base package and cleared up a couple of items that I didn't understand from the rambling threads in the forum.

I would definitely recommend the official book, written by the devs, themselves. While pfSense has changed cosmetically a wee bit over the years, the book is still quite relevant.

I would also recommend this series of vids, as they will get you up to speed quickly.