Storage: Samsung 860 Evo 1 TB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 1080 8 GB ROG STRIX Video Card
Case: Fractal Design Define R4 ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair RMi 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply
I mostly play Call of duty on my pc and now I got a 4k monitor I ma struggling to maintain 60 fps, what should I upgrade to make sure I can run it at a consistant 4k 120fps?
Don’t really have a budget atm just looking to see what I can keep from my existing and what I need to improve. But I would say that my maximum spend should be around £1.5k
How long can you wait? There’s a new generation of cpus and gpus releasing this fall which will make anything you buy right now a waste of money.
The 4k 120 fps target you have might be a bit ambitious for current hardware, but if you wait a bit you might be able to get close to it with your budget.
Arent CPU these days are no longer specifically made to run with SLI in mind, more of demoted along the lines of “afterthought”?
Meaning SLI can probably work but it wont scale to your expectation, meaning 2 2080Tis will not run 200% framerate, probaby more of 130-170% FPS increase. Ultimately meaning, that the upgrade you desire is not really cost effective.
Also, you probably need dual PCIe x 16 lanes, which raises the question of which specific motherboard could support that.
I would say wait for the next gen of Nvidia gpu’s.
Al though i still kinda doubt that we are going to see a next gen monster,
that would be able to do it.
That´s also what I heard. Something about NVIDIA played their cards wrong with TSMC and Samsung and now they will have to stick with Samsung because they are appearently more invested in AMD than NVIDIA thought when they played them against each other.
But I am not sure what to make of it. And wether or not to believe any of it. It sounds like 3d chess that´s way over my head… lul
I will probably upgrade from my 1070 when the new gpus come out. But wether it´s going to be NVIDIA or AMD I have no idea (yet). Although, my gsync monitor kinda wants an NVIDIA card again to keep working fully . So my choice will be a bit artificially biased for that reason.
Agreed with everyone above. If you can wait, wait for the launch of the new cpus. Otherwise I’d research if cod is ram latency sensitive.
I had performance issues with Overwatch, later when I tested with faster ram, I had no issues. I wish I had known earlier before I bought my mobo and cpu.
If you drop your resolution to 1080p, you should be able to get over 120 fps in esports titles.
Maybe, though I had performance issues (frame drops) on my 5820k with a 2070 that were resolved when I dropped in a kit of 3200 Mhz ram. Worse case op tries to OC their ram to see if performance improves. It’s cheaper upgrade that will let them hold out a little longer, compared to a full system upgrade.
That is true of course but I never liked memory OC because of how fiddler it can be. Also consumer Haswell and HEDT are a bit different in memory, afaik.