Recommendation for 100$ head phones as well as a dac to go with it

I’m interested getting a new head phones, I want something for listening to music (i listen to a lot of metal and dubstep) more then anything but that will also perform well with game audio. I intend on buying them through Amazon, tigerdirect or newegg, though if there is something else where feel free to share. Im in the US and like i said my budget is around 100$. I am also interested in an an audio dac to go with it. Being fairly new to audio equipment and I don’t know a ton about DAC’s to be honest but I have been told it helps clear up hissing sounds created by electronics at work in your system and i find it is really bad on my laptop. Em interested in something fairly small since i am moving around a lot and I don’t exactly have a firm budget but i would be willing to spend up to 75$.


Xiaomi Piston v3.
No need for a dac.
Rest of money spend on weed, blackjack and hookers, thank me later.

pedoaudiophilia is 99% snake oil. I myself spent a lot on audio gear and I can tell you that there is no need to go beyond these. They sound like 200$ headphones while costing a lot less. Also, you won't need DAC - integrated one will be just fine.

If you will get into this, you will buy a DAC when you will spend one zero more on headphones.

When I said head phones I should have been more specific. I'm looking for over the ear head phones not ear buds.

Depends on what you are looking for. Here are a few of the most commonly recommended ones.

A decent DAC/Amp combo is already around 75 USD. A decent pair of headphones will cost around the same.

As a baseline I would get a pair of headphones first, listen to it and see what you like or don't like about them, then move on from there. A FiiO E10K will be a good DAC/Amp combo to start with, and something from dwn's list is good.

@lucysan audiophoolery is a purely subjective matter, some people think it is snake oil, and some don't. That's just how subjective things work. If he already has issues with the onboard audio from his laptop (which is understandable, they tend to have noisy and weak audio) he may benefit from a DAC + Amp.