So initially forgive me I’m mildly intoxicated and having a relaxing evening. I didn’t want to go ahead and make a post since I have seen Krista talked so much recently about trying to get internet in a rural setting. I have recently moved to a new house that has no active cable or service providers of any sort I have inquired with the neighbors and found that the only source of Internet out here is to go through satellite. I’ve also checked with the local Tower owners and it turns out all of the towers here are owned by US Cellular and they want $250 a month for 225 GB of data. This is of course unacceptable to me and I have since decided to try to find my own solution. So I have followed some advice of an old coworker yep made my own modifications to it. He sold me an old 4 G device that was connected through USB. I have since decided to purchase a Netgear lb1120. I also purchased a $1 sim card with this and used a fake IMEI generator to generate an iPad 4 IMEI. I was able to go to AT&T website and add my own new device using this fake IMEI and this a valid SIM card in order to join it to AT&T network. After joining it to the network I began some tests and since the purchase date of the 4G access point in October of 2020 I have hit it at a maximum of 540 GB in one month and experienced no slow downs. I get a text at 16GB and I’m supposed to get throttled at 22. So far it is working well past that at full bandwidth. I’ve also purchased a weatherproof yagi antenna for 4G and a 50 foot coax cable to adapt from the connector on the antenna to a SMA connector in order to connect to the actual 4G modem.
TL DR I managed to get decent internet in the middle of nowhere. It is currently 20 down and 6 up. All that’s not good enough for streaming is more than good enough to play most games and to watch some YouTube in the spare time.
Ps forgive the inevitable grammar and spelling mistakes I am too drunk to type all of this rn, and I am letting my phone voice ID all of it.
Pss: yes I know that means I am being spied on, I gave up my agency the moment I became a windows sys admin lol.