So for Christmas, I was given a Windforce R9 270. I was supper excited so I installed it in my case and I go to turn it on to see if it posts with the new hardware. It does post, but with the worst sounding fan whine or something ever. Is it possible to return it or switch it out for another R9 270 or am I SOL?
I used to have a couple of dozen cards mining btc, then later altcoins, so know what you mean, although I only had Windforce 280/290 cards. The MSI 270s I had late last year always had their fans crap out rather quickly. Instead of sending them off and waiting forever, I'd just lever the fan off (it was a friction fit) and put a tiny drop of synthetic motor oil on the bushing. Worked perfectly!
Of course, this runs the risk of damage to the card/fan when doing the operation and voids the warranty. In your case you could probably do what I did if you don't mind paying for a new card if things go south. Have you checked to see if the fan blade is rubbing on anything? That would be a much easier fix if it's the case.
Thanks for the tip, but there is another problem. When I go to boot my computer with that card installed, I would get the Windows logo and loading sign come up then just a black screen. I swapped the card with my old one and re installed some of the drivers (I swapped from a GT 640) and the same thing happened. I am going to take it in later tomorrow, but is there anything I could do to save myself from doing this?