Re-do cable management?

I have got my pc up and running for a while now, swapped the fans and cleaned it a few times. But now I want to change the way every cable is routed because i am installing voltage adapters.

Can I just turn of my pc and drain the power from it and disconnect everything including the reset switch, usb3.0, sata cables etctera? After re routing and plugging everything back in the gpu, mothertboard. Will it just be the same as it was before I changed it while its running?

Thanks in advance!

Hang on ... did those adapters arrive already ?

If you plug the cables back in on a different USB port than they were before, on the first boot your Windows may install some of the drivers again. Apart from that it should work as it did before.
As for the ones on the motherboard (power switch, reset switch, LEDs), do note which one goes where. Usually you can find a schematic of the pin layout in the motherboard's manual.

No but I have got the 2 7 volt adapters for my sp120's wich i need to put in there and the molex hasnt arrived yet but that will be for the exhaust. Do you mean external usb ports? Like the ones on the case or?

Yeah, the first bit was referring to the cables you plug in on the rear ports. the internal ones on the motherboard do need to be plugged in the same position that they were.

Didnt plan on changing where they where going just the way they go to get there. Power cables are no problem?

Shouldn't be a problem at all, you can route them any way you like.

will be starting when i get the adapter ^_^