RazeTheWorld - PC Game

[color=#000000; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 16px][color=#ffffff]What do you guys think would be an awesome game? if RazeTheWorld were to have its own game what would that game be like? Im thinking about doing a video on this going more indepth if you guys likethe idea of creating our own PC Game using a game engine with content created by us! Because the fact is we are gamers we know whats freaken legit and whats freaken retarded.[/color][/color]

-Michael bay explosions.




And ofcourse a great storyline which I suck at, so don't ask me.. ask Logan or something :P

.. Cryengine 2.. Don't think they are the type of people that lets other developers use their engine.

options to kill things your not supposed to kill(like on huge psychopathic killing sprees). BTW not because i'm crazy but for the lols. and i know how to use hammer/steam, if that were used. I could go on and on thinking of ideas but i don't feel like typing them all.

we have to be able to set children on fire

agreed, stupid little kids!

and it has to be rated AO
so it will never be ported to console

This would be carnage!!

Im in for the ideas part. I would seriously contribute.

We need the option to mail people boxes of snakes. And do the official RTW dance!

it would be logan walking around kicking corporate fat cats in the junk.

it would have an rpg element, in which your objective is to destroy all people who are having a bad affect on the game industry.


i would play it

Needs more Kremath.

something like Hitman and Infamous but with pyrokenesis.

and a good storyline.

the main character would be some android-clone thing with upgradable powers. he gets his missions from logan and goes about the world gathering intel and destroying enemies. his ultimate purpose is to be the catalyst in "operation: raze" which brings about a new age of enlightenment through corporate & political assassinations aswell as technological reformations. the player can also do optional sidequest missions for fun such as trolling weaboos and console gamers, and spreading metal propaganda.

also, cyberpunk.

you should be able to rip off limbs and attack with them. you should also be able to kick like in dark messiah.

Last Boss; Kremath the gay yiffi dragon and his gaythug underlings

little people zombies kids/midgets

Now that sounds like a game i would play!Â

There should be a good hand to hand combat system like GTA IV's but more diverse.

Also there should be a rage meter witch grows by doing damage, and the sight of a console brings it to full load.

other than that, _Div pretty much did it.

One of the generic enemies could be trolls, and their leader could be megotrice.

Three ingredients of mine for win...

  1. I call dibs on being Satan / The Underworld Leader Guy. You can come to me when you die and I can make fun of the way you died. You know, like I would in real life.

  2. Every boss you kill goes to hell and may or may not stay there. If you can break free, so should the things you spent twenty minutes trying to kill, right?

  3. Your main mission is to find Kremath and slay him. He will never return once he is killed, for he has no soul.

Last point made me laugh. Good ol Kremath eh? I miss him and his gay adds.

this sounds like a game i would pay 50 bucks for, someone should make it with blender3ds built in game engine!