Debating between which mouse to purchase. Have had a naga molten for years now, it has always served me well, but is beginning to show signs of age and wear, and may be on the way out. I definitely now prefer an MMO style mouse to others as I regularly use the number pad on the side. With multiple options these days, was looking for insight. Stick with Razer and purchase a new Naga, or give Logitech a try?
I have never used the Razer Naga. However, I am currently using the Logitech G600, and it's awesome!
All of the buttons feel nice. The side buttons are slightly grippy, not too much, not too little. And having a index finger click, middle click, and ring finger click is just OP in MMOs.
Thanks MisteryAngel for posting these. Also, I would like to add that I'm still using the G600 and it still works perfectly, is very comfortable, and shows no signs of wear-and-tear.
I have to agree, i personaly think that the G600 is the better mouse in overall build quality and what not.
But thats offcourse a personal thing. ☺