RAZER DeathStalker Chroma Membrane Gaming Keyboard

I am totally dumb when it comes to gaming keyboards but my son wants this http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823114058&cm_re=razer_deathstalker_chroma-_-23-114-058-_-Product

for his birthday. He does play GTA V and other steam games besides Roblox. Througts on just getting a gaming keyboard as apposed to a regular Microsnot one. I should add he has a Razer Chroma mouse already.

Ya, naw, no one should have to live with a $130 chiclet keyboard, also gotta get him to reject asthetics over function meng.

in any case personally I don't really care about having a mechanical keyboard, and would spend some of that money on other things, but if you really had to get something razer, the Blackwidow TE isn't too bad, though I only paid 60 for mine, I'd also be willing to sell mine, though it has minors issues with keys double tapping, have yet to clean or fix it.

I know my son would love the different colours of the led lighted keys. It doesn't have to be chicklet keys per say.