I personally was wondering if this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103179) Liquid cooling is any good and or is it a good cooling system for the fx 8350, and on another note what Watt power supply do you recommend for Crossfire Sapphire 7970's? Sorry Linked the wrong link
Budget, budget, budget. Do you have one?
50-150 doesnt matter to me, Im already spending $1,200 LOL
0 out of 1
Corsair 900D? :)
Thats a case, not a watercooling loop. lol. Dont go prefilled or closed loop. custom all the way.
unless i'm misunderstanding something that's a case and not a liquid cooler
i guess you could slap it ontop of the cpu with some thermal paste, but you'd need to have really low profile stuff, and even then it'd be more of a passive cooler
Excuse my mistake i have 12 tabs going and I made a mistake posting the wrong link. Should be fixed now
ew, no.
2/10 would not bang.
Suggestions then?
These are much better but if you must have water cooling look into the Antec 620/920 and the h100
No i dont NEED LC but I wanted to try it, Thank you for the suggestion I will deff look into it. As long as it keeps me cool, thats all that matters
ya those two air coolers kick ass and come in a few different colors as well. Look into some prolimitech pk-1 thermal compound too if you are looking for the best performace.