I am trying to use Mosquitto to communicate between 2 Raspberry Pi's, and then displaying a temperature value in Openhab.
I have the first Pi with a temperature sensor publishing the temperature information as topic via a cron.
On the second Pi I can subscribe to the subject in the terminal and receive the data from the first Pi till I stop the process, so I know that Mosquitto is working. The issue comes when I try and use the binding in Openhab.
in the addons directory I have the file org.openhab.binding.mqtt-1.7.0.jar
in my openhab.cfg file I have added
mqtt:mymosquitto.url=tcp://xxx.xxx.x.x:1883 (where xxx.xxx.x.x is the ip to the first Pi)
searching on google seems to confirn that this is the correct syntax
in my items config I have:
Number TestTemperature "Temperature [%.1f C]" (RM_Living) {mqtt="<[mymosquitto:home/temperature:state:default]"}
and in the sitemap files I have:
Frame label="Temperature" {
Text item=TestTemperature
Every things as per the examples I have found online, but I get no information displayed.
Has any one managed to get a similar setup working?
Or can any one spot any errors in my setup?