Rant Regarding the State of Games on Release

This rant has been prompted by the release of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The game is pretty much unplayable currently due to the horrible shader optimisation that causes massive stuttering for the first minute or so of the game, the horrible peer to peer matchmaking and it's lag compensation and the fact that the servers seem to just randomly go down when they feel like it. Not to mention the promise of dedicated servers which are lacking. It seems every time I try to play a new release, it's entirely broken and the PC community is seemingly okay with this sort of thing now? I mean it took pretty much an entire year after release for Battlefield 4 to actually play and feel like a finished product. You wouldn't expect editing mistakes and unfinished films to be released so why should videogames be any different?! The worst part about it is that I feel like it's my fault that I'm annoyed for trying to play the game on release, not the fault of the developer releasing an unoptimised, console port. This should not be the case! I should be able to purchase a game on the day of it's release and expect all the content to be there and for the bastard thing to actually be playable!

I tried to give Call of Duty another shot (since the last one I bought was the original Black Ops) and I really wanted to enjoy it but yet another clusterfuck of a launch has left a bitter taste in my mouth and my wallet £40 lighter. Which is a shame because the small amount I've actually managed to play of the game was fun and refreshing; it felt like they actually tried to make the game different from the other Call of Duties. So yeaaaaaaah... I apologise for this rant, I just felt like I needed to vent my anger and say; if you're considering picking this one up, don't. Not yet at least, not until Sledgehammer fixes the performance issues and actually upholds their promise of dedicated servers.

I find it quite sad even though they were given a 3 year development cycle they are still unable to deliver a working game on launch day.

The last Call of Duty game I purchased was Black Ops II, okay game and somewhat tolerable back when I played it on XBOX 360.

It really is. I've been told that the game isn't too bad on the consoles apart from the horrific lag compensation measures and the match making algorithms that allow players with ping up to 800ms to join. I guess it's another case of us PC gamers being fucked over...