RANKED Leaderboard?

Right now it seems to be listed in the order that people joined I think? Will we ever see it change to a ranked leaderboard by shares?


Also, while I was at school today I left my computer on to mine. Now there's NO WAY I was hitting >700 MH/s with my single 7950. I average around 540-550 MH/s. So either teksyndicate was wrong, or someone was mining on my account LOL who are you! haha, here's my screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/rlbpEbN.png

We are still working out some kinks and all that but thank you for the feed back i will give it to rytak to send to an email to Logan or Wendell to help improve it as well as the suggestion be able to "sort" through miners wether by date of joining, top miners, or even by name. Thank you. We also had this problem in BTC guild where we would see an increase or decrease of about 10% though this in unusually high and is probably a glitch. thank you for the inquiry and good luck!

Just ignore the speed readings on the API thing. They are pretty buggy and just work of an estimate of the time it took to submit your last few shares. The only accurate reading is the one in guiminer. Only use the API to get a general idea of speed and to see the total number of shares you've submitted.

Thats awesome! Since almost all of us here mining are just gamers who happen to have AMD cards it should be some pretty fair competition and interesting to compete with each other! haha, and the sorting would be awesome if you guys implemented that. Keep up the good work :)

I seen your 7-- MH/s earlier outpacing my 7970 and I was thinking "WHAT IS HE USING!" lol

hahaha! It's a twin frozr II R7950, it is overclocked a bit, but I truly haven't seen it go above 570 MH/s on GUIMiner. 

I'm waiting for the day someone comes on the forums with an ASIC miner and pushes 30 GH/s and puts us all to shame.

^ not going to happen lol. THey don;t exist. THey were scheduled for release in early April, then late April, and now they haven;t said when they will be released. It is honestly a scam. Just forget about them lol

They've been on "back order" for quite a while now LOL

To piggyback on what Tankata is saying, BitMinter appears to have designed there API to update more frequently with a less accurate hash rate rather than waiting 10-15 minutes to average out data.  From my experience fiddling with it, the API tends to exagerate any mild change.  As to why the hashrate appeared to level out at rates above 700, I have no idea.