Randy Blythe, the vocalist for Lamb of God, as I'm sure everyone here knows, has been arrested for manslaughter charges in the Czech Republic. During a concert, a fan jumped onto the stage, and was allegedly shoved by Blythe back into the crowd and then had cracked his head hard on the floor. The fan then left and died a couple weeks later due to his injuries. Blythe has posted his bail of 200,000 USD, but is still being held. There have been investigations, and the suggestion that the death of the fan was not his fault seems realistic to me.
I'm posting a link to a petition to free him, and there are some links there to information/videos/news stories if you are so inclined. If you are interested, you can look into it.
I signed a while ago. the bail is not 400k btw.
Usually has the info on the case first.
Yeah signed this about three weeks ago, good looking out man. This is crap, how is he responsible for some moron who decides to jump off the stage thinking everyone will catch him? Last I heard the lead singer isn't responsible for anything that goes on on stage.
Remember that awful band Limp Bizkit? Back in 2002 they had a bad concert, people got hurt bad...nobody went to jail, but everyone blamed Durst. I just don't understand what the "rules" are with the front man involved. I know that the lead singer of Five Finger Death Punch will stop the show entirely if the mosh gets out of hand, or one time where he literally stopped the show and got off stage to help a kid with a broken leg, then he waited a few minutes for everyone to calm down before finishing his set.
I wish the best for Randy, I love LoG and I think it's garbage that the American embassy is doing nothing.