Random DoS attack with a private ip address lan?

So half an hour ago my internet started acting up and couldn't get on anything but my router seemed fine and steam. So I was logging in on my router and got this.(down below) So kinda childish for a moron to be trying to dos attack a random dynamic ip address anyways so I changed my ip and internet immediately got back to normal and tried to search the ip to figure out who or what it is and all I was comming up with was Private Ip Address Lan? So any idea wtf is going on?

Sat Sep 8 21:09:21 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:22 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:24 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:29 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:30 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:30 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:31 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:31 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:31 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:31 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:32 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:32 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:37 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:38 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:38 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:40 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:47 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:51 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:52 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:54 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:54 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:55 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:57 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:57 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:57 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:58 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:09:58 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:10:02 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:10:05 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:10:06 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:10:07 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 
Sat Sep 8 21:10:08 2012 1 Blocked by DoS protection 

More then likely they were using a private DoS'er. Qain or one of the other networking wizards here may have some more insight for you. 

There are plenty of private booters you can get your hand on pretty cheap, you must have made someone mad.

Probably. I have a few "friends" who do this kind of stuff for fun... A lot of the free and cheap ones will only send packets of data for 15-30 minutes, though I know of some that will send data untill they stop it. If you think you made anyone mad in the past week, it's more then likely them. As Scraps said you probably made someone mad. I've never heard of someone getting random IP's just to DoS, they usally have a reason. Of course the reason usally being an immature one...

Found out that it's just a common issue with belkin routers according to google, other people have been having these dos attacks on their logs starting with 10 and it's suppose to be a safe number.  And no I haven't pissed anyone off infact i'm a really nice guy. 

A different but somewhat related issue regarding private ip adddress starting with 10.

I'm a mod on a discussion board and recently have been receiving postings ( genuine stuff/contributions NOT spam) from a contributor.  His IP address  changes but always starts with 10.  I'm far from tech savvy, but I always thought that these  reserved  blocks couldn't access the internet.  Can anyone explain?

It is mostly likely a spoofed IP, which is still trackable if you get a subpeona. Since it was blocked ... I'd ignore it, but keep an eye out for other pitfalls like chat or emails from unknowns.

How many goddamn times do I have to tell you don't bump old threads up? Unless it's for sharing purposes.

I'll lock this thread as a lesson