So I'm fairly new member of the PC Master Race and this my first time on a forum ever. So here is my issue. I need to get Chrome Canary onto a Ramdisk. I'm using SoftPerfect Ramdisk to create the ramdisk and to save the ramdisk.img. I'm able to copy the applications to the ramdisk but the profile path is still C:\Users\The Doctor\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\User Data\Default. Also am I wrong to believe that this will provide my browser with a performance boost? I have already entered into chrome://flags and made a few adjustments to make my browser a little faster.
It will not make too much of a difference since you have a fairly speedy SSD in that Vertex 3.
But if you still want to experiment, which is fun to do anyway, having just the "cache" folder from the Chrome user data on the RAM drive is simple enough. Edit a shortcut to chrome.exe and add the argument on the following line to the end of the path.
Where "X:\CHROME\" is the path to where the cache will be stored at any session that is started by that link. One could similarly have the entire user data folder on the RAM drive, but the cache is the truly performance intensive part.
Though as I wrote intially, for the sake of performance alone it will not make much of a difference on your system.
Thanks for the reply! I thought the performance gain might be negligible but I still wouldn't mind have the cache on a ramdisk. I have tried doing as you've suggested before and have gotten name specified in target box is not valid.
Editing these things can be a bit tricky the first time, and it's usually down to separating the targeted application from the "argument", using quotation marks. Here follows an example of a working shortcut:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disk-cache-dir="X:\CHROME"
mkk you are THE MAN!