So I'm putting 2 1866 Sniper ram sticks into my build. How will the system perform if I drop in 2 more later on with different clock speeds? sizes? cas? or brands?
So I'm putting 2 1866 Sniper ram sticks into my build. How will the system perform if I drop in 2 more later on with different clock speeds? sizes? cas? or brands?
Sizes and Brands wont matter but I really think that you want to keep the Clock speeds the same as well as the cas so to not take any performance hits. You wouldnt want to put slower ram in with faster ram, your only as fast as your weakest component. Keep Specs the same, Dont mix.
keep the clock speeds always the same. if you put in slot 1/3 1866mhz ram and in slot 2/4 2000mhz, then it will just run on 1866mhz.
but i can realy advice dont mix indeed
I'd still recommend identical sticks if you're planning on installing more RAM. It looks better and you'll be 99 percent sure it'll work.