Hello Tek,
I currently have this kit:
I want to upgrade to 16GB. I've considered the option of getting a new kit altogether. But it would just be sooo super sweet to get just another 2x4GB kit.
I came across this kit:
This kit is PAINFULLY similar. the part # is identical, except the latter kit has 'bl' appended to it.
The question:
Would it be a bad call for me to grab this kit that is so similar?
Pretty sure you can mix and match whatever, it would just run at the lowest speed stick, not that RAM speed matters for much of anything.
Ye, I'm a numbers guy. Feel free to judge. I'd love to keep that XMP profile going @ 2133mhz. I considered the frequency, the CAS latency, the voltage. All the same across both kits. I just hope there isn't something that I'm not considering of which I should be :/
But none of that really matters
how much would you be saving vs a kit? you can use your old memory in another computer like a NAS or HTPC
Ehhhhh, If I was to get a new kit, I would probably get rid of the old kit. I suppose I could sell it to subsidize the cost of the new kit. Not a bad idea. I don't really have other PCs laying around aha. The upgrade kit would be $100. A new kit could be 110. But that's 1600mhz with CAS 11. I would like to have CAS 11 @ 2133mhz. Again, I'm a numbers guy. Practicality isn't really a thing.
OOOO. Some Adata sticks for $110. CAS 9 @ 1600mhz. Thats a good option
(I'm in Canada btw)
If the timings, voltages and speeds are the same.
There wont be much of a problem mixing them up.
This is correct.
@CLASSICARL, You can even use RAM of different timings, voltage, and speed but you will need to work out the optimal settings for the different RAM to operate together stable. For the proposed kits of RAM they are the exact same settings for both kits, you wont have any issues so no it is not a bad call
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How about different capacities? I found some 2X8GB for $50 more with the rest of the specs being the same. Would that cause anything to concern?
I like the idea of contacting the store. Can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks Deejeta XD
Different kits of the right numbers most likely won't run at full speed. I have two kits of 1866 cl9 (2x4) and each kit can hit that speed, but both together i run 1600
diffrent capicities shouldnt be a problem.
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Are your voltages ratings the same on both kits too?
I'm not judging, but I'm just going to tell you it's never going to affect anything, at least not if your a typical consumer.
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It's the same model from the same brand only difference was date purchased and heatsink cooler
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UPDATE: I doth ordereth a 2x8GB kit and I doth receiveth the RAM. Everything works beautifully. So happy that I can run Ubuntu, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 VMs all at the same time with 4GB allocated to each machine (I have 24GB total now). All is well and my XMP profile w/ CAS 11 @ 2133mhz works perfectly. I appreciate all the advice guys. You guys are awesome XD