I still don't understand how I can overclock my ram.
Right now my board supports ddr2 800mhz ram, does that mean I can only OC up to 800mhz? or can I overclock the board to support higher speeds? also if my motherboard is 800mhz supported, does that mean that's the minimum speed it can run at or its highest?
If someone could point me in the right direction of overclocking ram I would appreciate it very much, and on the subject of ram is there any general tips on how to make my ram operate faster without overclocking it? I dont know programs or things to do in windows that will maximize the performance on my ram?
Thanks for anyone who helps out.
some boards have support for overclocking, must gigabyte boards do. but still, does overclocking your ram push that much of a speed boost? same with a processor, is it really worth the loss in life?
Yeah, can someone show me a video of the comparison of a overclocked system vs a stock clocked system. and with a small overclock how much shorter do the parts last?!
Overclocking your ram doesnt do a WHOLE lot but if your a big enthusiast and want every little bit of juice your system has to offer then it's worth it and you'll see a speed increase depending on how much you over clock.
and the life of the components will go down depending on how much stress you put on them so if its a little over clock, it will only go down a bit might not even be noticeable but if the sticks are under a lot of stress consistently then their life will be a lot shorter.
thanks for that imput but im still wondering on how the fuck to overclock it and stuff... so yeah
Just go into your bios and change your rams fsb from 800 to whatever you want
wow that sounds like good advice, why dont i just set my cpu clock to whatever I want too? oh wait thats right cause i can ruin my parts.