RAM not running at full speed?

To be honest I'm not really sure how to decypher CPU-Z but it looks like my ram isn't running at 1600MHz?

My motherboard is a Gigabyte 970A-DS3, and I haven't edited anything in the BIOS yet so I don't know why it's doing this. Any suggestions?


Thanks :)

What CPU do you have? You have to be sure that both your CPU and motherboard support the speed of your RAM. I'm having the same issue at the moment, due to my CPU not supporting the speed of my ram.

You have to double it - so it's actually running at around 1333MHz, go in your BIOS and change it to 1600MHz if you can. 

Does your motherboard support 1600? And what CPU do you have?

Its a FX-6200 so I'm pretty sure it should support it. And I checked the mobo supported it before I bought it but I'll recheck then try clock it up I guess


It also depends on how much RAM you have. For example I had a CPU/Motherboard that could run 8 GB at 1600 MHz but if you tried to run 16 GB at 1600 MHz you'd get BSODs even though the RAM was rated for 1600 MHz. It's a memory controller limitation issue most of the time.

But your configuration looks like it should be able to run 1600 MHz no problem. If anything, just send a email to the support section of your RAM manufacturer as they'll actually be able to give you valid explanations for your issue.

I clocked it to 1600MHz and it said boot failure due to overclocking and downclocked it, wtf?

no idea, the controllers on amd systems are really good.....

Sigh, hopefully its an easy fix

Are there any diagnostics that I could run to see whats wrong?


memtest x86....

Those full-stops scare me :/

you have a cas speed of 9 ms. most of the time if you are trying to get 1600mhz (unless you have damn good ram) you need to up your timings to 10-10-10-30. what is the advertised timings / mhz of the ram?

Advertised 1600MHz, I really appreciate the help :)

Mine say that but they are tripple timing. So yeah, just call up your RAM vendor/your MOBO vendor and be like "WTF guys fix this now!"

But the BIOS says it running at 1333 too? ztrain help!