Hi everyone, I'm working on a pc build and after alot of research (such as reading through these forums), I want to use a HD 7950, but I'm not sure which brand to use.
I've read good things about the msi twin frozr, the gigabyte, and the sapphire vapor - x.
I do plan on overclocking, so I want one that keeps cool and clocks well, and I need someones unbiased advice on which one to go with, and of course, I'm open to other suggestions.
I appreciate any help you guys can give me, thanks alot!
MSI Twin Frozr would be my recommendation. I believe it has the best quality components and best overclocking of the above cards. The Gigabyte happens to be voltage locked.
My other recommendation would be the HIS iceq x2 turbo. It's the dual fan, not the single fan
MSI always as the first option. Asus AMD Radeon HD 7950 DirectCU II Top is also an excellent option.
Wow, thanks guys. I knew these forums were great, but you guys were fast. Thanks for the heads up with the gigabite Beserker, had no clue that it was locked (it was actualy the one I was leaning towards!). Thanks again guys, think I will go with the MSI then.
My vote goes to the iceq x2 as it costs 239 without having to deal with rebates. But if you dont mind doing rebates the the msi is by all acounts an awesome card. It is shorter then the HIS by roughly 2 inches which can be nice if your case is at all cramped.
Yeah, I did consider that, but I don't mind messing around with rebates if it means a better part. Thanks for the input man.
how does the vapor-x stand up in the top 7950 cards?
When you say "not the single fan" do u mean the HIS iceq, the alien looking one? Cause they still have pretty good cooling. When I was looking to buy mine most reviews of them said they were one of the coolest, quietest and also had the best overclockability in most things I saw, and didn't Logan review a 7870 with the alien cooler and say it was good?
I don't know, this was my first build, but I have the HIS iceq (version 1) and I'm happy, I've never seen it go above 60 degrees, normally 54-57 is what I get playing games (Is this good? haha).
Thought i'd add this incase the OP found one for cheap or something, they are still pretty decent......
Dude the his is way better in overclocking potential then the twin frozr, and is higher quality. They have cherry picked chips in it that literally never fail to hit 7970gh speeds
Thanks for the heads up, I will go with the his then.