My friend has an Nvidia GTS 450 that is 1Gb model and probavly a DDR3 so I want to know how it compares with Radeon HD 7750 1Gb DDR5. Is it substantialy faster than GTS 450?
I know that GTS 450 has CUDA and Physx even thought my friend does not play or have any games that use Physx, for CUDA I think he uses a program for video compression that does not use CUDA advantages at all, media impression...
There is XFX Radeon HD 7750 1Gb DDR5 with games Sniper Elite V2 and Firefall, so in my country costs about 144$ while "new" GTS 450 1Gb DDR3 costs about 20-25$ less. Since my friend own's GTS 450 I wonder is it worth of selling it since we can sell it for 100$ and get 7750?
I want unbiased opinions and no fanboys, so is XFX Radeon HD 7750 1Gb DDR5 worth it with those two games and does it have a real performance leap over GTS 450? I lean towards XFX...
Thank you for your help...