Radeon 7990

Hey guys, all I want to know is if you think when the next 9xxx series of AMD's cards come out, do you think that there will be a price drop on the current gen cards? I am looking into buying a 7990 sometime in the next few months and I just wanted to know. Thanks in advance! :)

they just recently droped the price about $300, are you asking if you think they're going to do it again

Yes, but not anytime soon, sometime in the winter.

The current gen cards, probably including the 7990, should hopefuly drop when the new cards come out.

Ok thanks, I also have another question though, do you think that AMD will fix their crossfire problems when the next gen cards come out?

They already have in the 13.8 beta drivers.

Did the new drivers fix all of the framerate drops?

Pretty much, yes.

Sweet, I guess I have'nt been keeping up with my drivers. Thanks for the help.