I want to figure out which is better, and get to the bottom of this ever lasting war between the 660ti and the 7950, prices dont matter, and yes i want to bring over clocking into this debate. Post which you think is better and WHY
depends if ur using a intel or amd cpu in my opinion
thats has no effect on the performace of the cards. I would get the 7950 as its more powerful unless you need cuda acceleration. Also it you get a msi or other 7950 with a good cooler and unlocked voltage it will overclock the best like a 30% OC or around 1200 mhz. The 660ti is good to but for the price I think the 7950 is a better value.
I agree with ragingh4vok. The 7950 has much more OC'ing headroom and outperforms the 660ti almost 9/10.
Linus consistantly gets a 200+ OC from the stock clocks. and in his videos he moderatly clocks them to what "anyone should be able to get" so if you get a good chip you'll be able to push it much further.
At the price range (i know you said they don't matter) the 7950 is the better card for gaming. Unless you need CUDA acceleration on the side. go with the 7950
> The CPU does not matter. (unless it's old and weak) Because gaming is usually (unlees said game is severly cpu oriented) bottlenecked by the GPU and fps.
I got my Sapphire 7950 to 1180 Core clock and 1500 Memory clock, with a locked voltage. So with an unlocked one, you would get even higher.
This is also like the twentieth thread asking this same question.
Searching the forum would be helpful.
1180 Core clock
Point proven. That is 80mhz faster than what linus tests at.
search bar was broken since day #1. It finally got removed
Oh, another one of these topics...
I'd buy a 660 ti ONLY if you're going to SLI.
Search bar at the top, bro. But yeah, its great at OCing, even with locked voltages. It can hit 1200 if I lower the memory clock, but If i had more voltage, I could push it even further.
Maybe I'm wrong. WTF?-