Radeon 7850 1g vs 7850 2g vs 7870?

subject pretty much says it all.

what are the main differences between the Radeon HD 7850 1g, 7850 2g and the 7870??

with an FX 6300 and these prices which one should i be going for?

7850 1g - $189

7850 2g - $209

7870 - $229


Thanks in advance!

if the 7870 has 2g ram for that much GET IT NOW.

okay well there are two:

the GHZ edition: http://www.cplonline.com.au/graphics-cards/nvidia-graphics-cards/sapphire-radeon-hd7870-2gb-ghz-edition.html


and the OC edition: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1372&products_id=

which is better?

i got the ghz edition from cpl yesterday and its great i recomend you get it. And that one comes stock overclocked even though it dosent say.

And what made you choose that gpu over the others?

get whatever one is clocked lower(or cheaper i've seen oc cards that cost less than none overclocked cards) then overclock it yourself.

its ghz edition and its got 2gb of vram. and it peforms about the same as a 660ti when it is overclocked even more than out of the box.

IF i may recommend stay away from amd graphics cards 


my HIS 7870 iceq X is running bf3, bioshock infinite, and SC2 and all max setting with no issues at 1600x900(need a new monitor I know).


Bioshock will drop from 80-100 frames to 40 for no reason though. 

Thats only is he wants to crossfire but if he dosent then 1 amd card is better performance for the money.