R9 380x/390x Benchmark Leak

People in the comments are pointing out that there would be no reason to put watercooling on a card with a tdp of less than 200W, so either the benchmarks are for the 380x, or the numbers are wrong.



Despite a tdp below 200, an insane oc would be possible.

It seems more likely this is a 380x or something, as they do not seem to be in line with the existing 390x leaks. Like a 200w TDP card does not need an AIO.

Regardless it's worth noting that if these are accurate it has better perf/watt than Maxwell (at least the GTX 980).

Topic moved to GPU section!

This looks like a 380X to me, with 3072 stream processors.

But yeah i could be wrong offcourse. ☺

Atleast if these numbers are vallid, its well worth waiting.

I really hope that it is accurate and that this is the 380x, becuase that means that the 390x is going to be a beast. Even with a higher power consumption (and I like efficiency), it should be a complete beast with these numbers. If I could get this card with Star Citizen included as well as a free sync 4k monitor, I would be so happy.

I just want a better cpu :) Their gpus perform just fine except in the case of 4k.

If these numbers are valid, i will definitely gonne buy a AMD GPU again.

Till that time, i will stay with my current 7870GHz, and will only upgrade cpu + mobo

Based off of those numbers (power consumption and benchmark numbers) it seems in line with what a 380x could manage with 3072 stream processors.

I'd be sorely disappointed if that's all AMD can manage with 4096 stream processors.

And if those numbers are in fact that of the 380x, I'm guessing the TDP of the 390x will be in the high 200's to low 300's range.

Who knows they are all rumours. The 290s can be had for a great price though, and are almost as good as the 970. Hopefully I can snag some nice ones and import them cheap, the 970s here are absurdly priced.

I am not sure how they could do a 4k core GPU without node shrink. If they have it will have a large die size, and will probably be hard to cool.

Reference 290's then heatsink them and aio cool'em. Crossfire :)

If the benchmarks are accurate, not only would the new cards from AMD beat the pants off of everything available today, it would also be insanely efficient which important to me personally. Everything that I have heard about the 3xx series so far is that it is on 20nm (as opposed to everything so far being 28nm and up). IT is also the first the 3D memory which should have great improvements as far as the efficiency (which is likely part of the reason behind the numbers that we are seeing here) as well as throughput which should help with 4k (and 4k seems to be what AMD is shooting towards as of the last few years imo).Also, there is obviously not a problem with the cooling as the TDP is so low.

Looks like the 380X to me. Someone done goofed.

Whatever it is this is a very good sign. AMD is gonna come back in February and kick some ass. Looks like nVidia fanboys won't be able to yell about heat and power consumption anymore....

I do think they may be liquidating the 290s since the prices are now very low, they have dropped as low as 230USD without rebates. I doubt we will see more bang for our buck than this for quiet a while, even if the new cards drop @20nm with 4K cores which I can't imagine being <400usd and will still be expensive just because of the share number of transistors.

I imagine that any such card would slot in above or around the price of the 980. And that big maxwell, if it exists will replace the 980 in the product stack, pushing everything down in price, and everyone will have similar performance in each price bracket as is normal. Although that is assuming they actually drop something like this.

Anyway I managed to grab two R9 290s for around the price of a single local GTX970 so obviously I am happy.

To me, them being willing to drop prices on the 290(x) means that they are confident in what they are about to put out, so I am still expecting great things. Also, if this is the 380x, and it outperforms the 980, then it will be a great value since the x80x is not going to be more than $400 at launch. Even still, will be a better deal than Maxwell with these numbers (if that card does cost as much as th e980 that is).

AMD did the same thing with the 7970s/7950s even though it was literally a re-branding wit new cooling units. Priced them into the ground and they were a great buy.

New leaks. Looks like the Earlier leak was the 380x (if I am not mistaken). Things look very promising.



Looks good, i allready knew that the 390X would have Bermuda XT gpu and not Fiji.

But the stream processor numbers, are diffrent from the old rumours that i have readed. Those new numbers are massively higher. on both the 380X and 390X if these numbers are vallid, then they should be beats both.

Well amd is on the 20nm die now, so they can fit more processors. I'm okay with that I want 2 390x for 4k. 

fake benchmarks. no one has 3 unreleased gpus