r9 290 or wait for the new stuff from AMD?

Recently i have decided to go with AMD for my new GPU.

I found a new r9 290 tri-x for £215 when usually is £265. but then i started thinking that soon they could come up with something to battle the Nvidia 9xx series.

What do i do??

if im right the new AMD flagship cards are planned for June / July.

If you can wait till then, then i would recommend to do so. If not, then a Sapphire 290 TriX OC will definitely not be a bad choice.

thanks, ill just get the 290 for this amazing deal

also check out the 290X prices, if im right those have also droped.

Actually, there is going to be in February or March a Tonga based fully unlocked GPU(the r9 285x or the r9 370x). So if you can wait till this date, you should be golden.