Hello ,
I've had one of my R9 290 caps blow recently , the ones near the VRM :
I can't seem to find a replacement , does anybody know of a serial number / other ?
Caps should have the manufacturer stated , but I can't find any info online .
Hello ,
I've had one of my R9 290 caps blow recently , the ones near the VRM :
I can't seem to find a replacement , does anybody know of a serial number / other ?
Caps should have the manufacturer stated , but I can't find any info online .
What vendor made your R9-290? Sapphire, MSI, ASUS, XFX?
whoever made the card, the information should be on the GPU box. if you threw that out, your boned cause the serial is written on that.
Club3D R9 290 , I don't have the box , only the serial on the GPU .
But the box wouldn't have info on the caps used ?
I'm looking to replace , not RMA .
the card wouldn't tell you, but the box should.
you should contact Club3D about your issue, trying to fix the problem yourself will just probably void your warranty.
also i don't see the pictures on my screen you've posted.
Can you see the pics ?
They seem to have broken
Look at the exploded cap, or another unexploded one, for the ratings of that particular cap. It will have some numbers followed by uF that's the most important part and then get the voltage as close as you can.
I've found that GPUs sometimes use some strange caps that are very hard to find, hopefully yours is a more off the shelf type that you can more easily replace.
Edit: and yes your pictures aren't showing. Upload to imagur or photobucket or something.
You should just look at the neighboring cap and order a cap of the same value and size, it doesn't have to be from the same manufacturer. The caps should be marked, they have to be
I have had great luck replacing caps on older motherboard that had exploded caps. Rarely is there different spec caps that are in the same line as the exploded cap. I even used a crappy $10 soldering iron, just needed some extra flux.
After doing a little bit of digging I've found what capacitors you are looking for. If the blow cap is in the VRM itself the capacitor you will need is a Aluminum organic polymer electrolytic capacitor with a capacitance of 820uF rated for 2.5V through hole mounted. The other caps on that side (the larger ones) are the same type but they have a capacitance of 330uF and are rated for 16V. You should verify this info though since I am unsure whether your card is reference or not
tweet at amd and at club 3d and ask for a replacement if not replace the cap but make sure you get some one that knows to solder
Yeah I know how to read the caps , just can't find the exact ones , they seem to be proprietary :s
I've found the same rating , but way bigger , can't seem to find these exact ones .
The card is reference .
Looking at the pictures ( hopefully they work now ) , it's the 820µF at 2,5V , I know how to read the cap's , I just need to find them , I'm not spending 75€ on a broken 290 just for a cap .
I already went trought RMA before pulling the cap off ( it was unstable ) and they said it "worked on their tests" , so I got it back , along with a 25€ charge , and on top of that the 17€ initial shipping .
I'm not RMA'ing it back to the guys , they will just look at it and say " you ripped the cap off , of course it won't work !"
I have a good soldering iron and led free solder , I just need the cap , and a pc to test it in ( it would be crazy to dump a card that could ruin my pc in just to see if it works )
Do you have any component distributors where you live?
Edit: found a replacement from a Belgian distributor, 0.81€
Aren't you in Belgium?
It's against the law to make you pay for RMA. In fact, you can file a complaint with the Ministery of Economic Affairs, Economic Inspection.
If they refuse to RMA, just contact Test Achat, they are a member of the European Consumer Rights Association network, and have the reputation of working very well to get things like that sorted out.
People think their rights are on the box of the product or in the manual, but their rights are in the law, and usually, invoices, terms of sale, warranty cards, service and guarantee statements, RMA conditions, etc... are nothing but illegal attempts of manufacturers or importer/distributors to make some fast extra money... all over Europe, except in the UK, there is a two years unconditional guarantee against failures, and the burden of proof is on the manufacturer or his legal representative.
If you've bought it in France (as many Frenchspeaking Belgians tend to do), there is now a law that if a manufacturer sells a product that is made in such a way that it is designed to be "weakened" so that it breaks after a certain amount of time, and that product costs more than the minimum wage for one hour of work, that manufacturer is guilty of a criminal offense, and can end up in jail. They won't want to risk that, and will replace it without discussion.
Good luck!
Does that apply to RMA where i am required to send out of country ?
I had heard of this , but never thought about it .
My bill from zotac was 36€ for one card , club3D was 52€ for two , and the list goes on ( that is in the last 4 months ) .
But then again it's an RMA not to the original reseller , but to the manufacturer .
Perfect , exactly what I was looking for !
Update :
Getting the cap in ~2 weeks , does anybody know if it would be ok to put in a system to test it ?
I don't want to ruin my pc just testing it :|