r9 280x and Ultra Wide Gaming

So i have an r9 280x paired with an amd fx8350, im getting pretty good frame rates gaming at 1080p, but was thinking of getting a ultra wide monitor i did some googling but could not find benchmarks for a 280x at 2560x1080 and the few youtube videos i could find either don´t show the fps or don't show the correct card. So what i would like to know is how much are my frame rates going to drop in modern games, or if i should upgrade my gpu before trying ultra wide?

i don't know numbers, but i'm told that at 1440p a 7970/280x perform quite capably, ultra-wide 1080p being a bit less than 1440p

so you could just look up a 1440p performance review and remember that it will perform a bit better

The 280X should do fine, you may or may not be able to do highest setting but you should do medium-high just fine. Also the 280X is a rebrand of the Radeon HD 7970, so you could look up the 7970 as well and see if your answer lies there

280x can play most games with ultra textures 1440p. Should be fine with the smaller res.

thx for the input i checked out some 1440p benchmarks and videos and the card does great at the resolution (even on ultra depending on the games) so i guess it will handle 2560x1080p with no problem