R9 270X DCUII or GTX 760 DCUII?

Hello, Peoples of the interwebz.

I am upgrading. R9 270X DCUII or GTX 760 DCUII?

The "interwebz" tells me that the 270x is slightly less powerful then the gtx 760 but it costs less too.  Look into getting a 7950 they are a good price right now and a little better then the 270x


must reccommend EVGA/MSI for a GTX 760.

I own a GTX 760 ACX SC, super sxy and evga rma process is great.

I have this model of the 270x its awesome. I put them in crossfire and its working like a charm.

psssst... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127667 3 free games and it overclocks amazingly :3