Hi all!
So, I'm gonna buy my i5 750 and the EVGA P55 LE soon, after all the help from you guys on deciding what to get. Only one problem remains: RAM...:? Since i'm in Sri Lanka, the only brand I can get easily is Kingston...(G.SKILL!!!! :'( arrrrgh). What is best for this i5 750 and LE combination? the expensive Hyper-x or Value ram? I understand that low latencies are always better, but is it really worth the price premium? i can get a 2GB Hyper-x or 4GB's of value ram for the same price... or maybe get Value ram and OC them after putting a ram cooler... btw, I see 1333's paired with i5 750's at many stores in combo deals and barebone kits...is there any meaning to that? :? please guys,, im all set except for this RAM ****... HELP!!! And this setup is PURELY for gaming... no CAD or 3D or converting or editing or whatever... :D (playing games at 1366X768 with everything cranked all the way up)
Ram almost wont mean shit if youre just gonna play games.
Also, hit the enter button a bit more frequently please.
kingston ram is fine. just get the larger amount, as green said its not going to matter much. id just make sure that its not too high of a voltage.. i believe the i5s are not supposed to have memory voltages exceeding 1.65
poor guy's probably using chrome, enter button doesn't work on GR.
dosn't really matter tbh anything with 4gb\6gb would be plenty of memory for gaming and since it's ddr3 the speed isn't an issue either just make sure you get a set with a heatspread as gaming and some overclocking does hest up your dimms abit if not then just buy some heatspreads there not to expensive ;)
Believe it or not, I'm still using IE8...and the enter button works too, I was just in a hurry to write it...XD and thanx a lot for the input guys. So y'all are saying that low Latencies doesn't matter for gaming at all?? btw I thought of getting this http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835110105Â and do some OC'ing to get some extra juice... is it a good idea?
You wont notice difference in overclocking your ram.. And they break damn easy.
Never go cheap on RAM, specially when overclocking. But that's my opinion.
I'm a RAM-diva 
Well that's true..
Depends how much he wants to overclock
Nah, if u say there's no performance improvement, I'm not gonna OC... I'll stick with 2X2GB's of Value ram @ 1333, and get that heatsinks too, just in case of any overheating. Thanks a lot guys,, that's a F****** load off my head... :DÂ
There's an improvement of course, but you most likely won't notice it. When I overclock my Phenom, do I notice it? No. When I have my RAM set to 1066 versus 800, do I notice a difference? No.Â
In my opinion if you're just not going to do any major video editing don't buy 9000 GB of RAM, it's not worth it.
BUTTONWORKSONCHROMEEDIT: holy monkey balls guess it doesnt
I don't mind Gskill, so if you can get that, then go ahead. It's not bad.
Sri Lanka= NO GSKILL... :'( So, I've made up my mind, gonna buy 2 sticks of 2GB Kingston Value ram @ 1333, 2 sets of heat spreaders, and no OC'ing... looks like the way to go for me :D Thanks a bunch for all your inputs guys, much appreciated. I love RTW!!! XD
no bother chap and i hope your happy with your choice =D