QWSD instead of WASD


 sorry about the grainy-ness. Low light smartphone camera shot.

A few inches above the mousepad ends the keyboard tray. So I slid the keyboard up and set the keypad below it. A piece of housing wire keeps it from falling off the end if pushed against.

I have no problems with WASD.  QWSD feels no more comfortable to me.  Of course, it helps to tilt your keyboard so that your fingers fall more naturally on the keys.

to use qwsd I have to stick my elbow way out

i'm trying this and not liking it one bit, having my hand on a roughly 45 degree angle is just plain uncomfortable as opposed to a normal 90 degree, i'm moving my hand away from so that i can't really hit any other keys other than the 5 they're resting on without it being almost painful

Tried it in Titanfall for a few hours. Binding the caps lock key to sprint or crouch sounds nice until you have to type something in the game and end up sounding like a dick because ur text is in all caps.

Also, the number keys at the top each become their own difficulty rating for how hard each key is to press from that position.

I meant 90 degrees. My arm is nearly perpendicular to my keyboard when I game, but not quite. When I wrote 10 degrees I was thinking in respect to a line perpendicular to my keyboard.

To me, this is no different than WASD with your keyboard turned a little bit, which is what I do. Play how you want though, everyone's different.

I have the same complaint. If I were to use qwsd, my hand is at awkward angle. Moving my middle finger from w to s is actually a little painful if I try to do it without moving any other fingers.

QWSD feels cramped. Ill stick to WASD with space to jump, alt to crouch and shift to sprint.

I'm way too accustomed to using WASD I don't think I could ever use QWSD even though just placing my fingers on it and thinking about movement it feels nice, but I am way to set in my ways with WASD, especially with the amount I play in twitch shooters.

Doubt you’ll ever see this but just wanted to say great minds think alike (even if I’m a little late to the party)!

I’ve been a bit obsessed with optimizing my key binding setup for R6 Siege and ultimately reached the same conclusion as you. What lead me to the staggered directional movement scheme wasn’t comfort though. Instead, I wanted to incorporate “palming” so that I can functionally add a “6th finger” of sorts. After making the switch, it is definitely the more comfortable way to go though!

Granted, I’m using UIKL instead of QWSD for the extra mousing space, but the principle is the same: i. ibb. co / grcpw3J / plan8. png

With IJKL, I can’t easily engage the spacebar with my palm if I’m holding a key in the row directly above the spacebar (N in this case for aiming down sight): i. ibb. co / cDTY72w / plan4b. png

Using H instead of N to ADS allows me to comfortably engage the spacebar, but my ring finger no longer feels comfortable on J for extended periods when holding H. Instead, my ring finger would rather rest on U, hence UIKL.

It took a couple of hours to adjust, not too bad considering how engrained the traditional triangular movement scheme (WASD, etc) is for FPS games. Nothing like trying to change to 1 finger strafing (WESD, ERDF, etc) though. Now THAT truly broke my brain and was incredibly nauseating.

For reference, I’m on a 60% keyboard. Looking from top down, my arm is at about 45 degrees clockwise from vertical, keyboard about 30 degrees clockwise from horizontal.