Quiet computing

I'm helping someone build a PC and they are interested in silence. I don't actually know of many quiet cases. Any recommendations? I'm looking for smaller to medium cases. itx up to a mid atx case are fine. Just no full towers really. Something that has sound dampening, we're looking for more than just low noise fans. We're considering the define r4 as well as the corsair 550d.

One that I've been eyeballing is the Fractal Define R4 Mini. It's an mATX case with an emphasis on silence. In addition to quiet fans, it also includes a simple fan controller, is pre-fitted with noise dampening foam, and has modular vents, which can be opened for air-flow, or closed for silence.

i would say pick the case you like and try a passive water cooling set up

if your not interested in water cooling then go with rubber fan mounts a good size heatsink  and a fill the computer with quite optimize fans

those are the best ways to have a quite PC


might go with a h100 or something similar but while custom water cooling would be ideal, it will get a little too expensive. We're planning on getting some high quality quiet fans, possibly under-volting them to make them even quieter as long as temps are fine. The quiet case is just for the final sound protection. while I can use high quality fans, there isn't much I can do about gpu and psu noise except get a quiet case.

The Define R4 isn't quite at all when gaming or doing productivity stuff.

The cake is a lie.

any evidence for the R4 not being quiet or do we just have to take your word?

H440 or H230 maybe, I dont own one but they look really good and they should have sound dampening. and when it comes to quiet fans get noctuas, they are the best fans which justifies the price, or you could do watercooling as mentioned above