Quick server motherboard question

I have a quick question regarding the motherboard of my school’s old firewall. I recently opened it up after installing a new firewall and i noticed that it has both regular and laptop ram slots.

Why would it have a sodimm slot near the pci lanes?

Just curious no actual need to know.

Hmm. I'm not a big server guy. I'm wondering if that's intended for something proprietary rather than SO-DIMMs. Do you happen to know the make/model of the MOBO?

it is a supermicro x7sbi.
I couldn't find a reference to what is is on the website.

I think that is a IPMI slot. Or what they call SIMSO IPMI.


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Yep thats what it is.

@greenwithao check page 10 of the manual:

"SIMSO IPMI 2.0 Socket"

"A SIMSO IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) 2.0 Socket is located on the motherboard. Refer to the layout below for the location of the SIMSO Socket."

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Thanks didn't see that pdf. Probably wont need that. looking to install rockstor or freenas on it for extra backups.