Sabayon can be a bit confusing for new people, it has like 3 package managers.
Also it can have issues with AMD, where FGLRX is not installed by default, other than that its good :)
Sabayon can be a bit confusing for new people, it has like 3 package managers.
Also it can have issues with AMD, where FGLRX is not installed by default, other than that its good :)
if it was me I would also personally avoid Ubuntu, its slightly outdated, which is fine by me, but as software becomes out dated I expect stability, Ubuntu has never provided me with this, more so in AMD drivers, even using Ubuntus built in system for getting proprietary can be a bit of a hassle, I have just moved my laptop to Manjaro, while I can easily build a Arch system from stock, I just personally cannot be bothered to do it, rather get an installer to do it for me lol.
Also if you follow arch avoid Antergos unless you know how to setup pgp correctly, it seems to have an issue with the keys not registering and been out of date, although a simple change of SigLevel works :)
If you wish to go Apt. go Debian, its stable, easy as hell to use, light on resources and just works, also Steam officially supports debian bases if you wish to game, while they work on others, just gives support from Valve if you get an issue.
Personally I would say try Manjaro XFCE, its a great distro that has not even left beta yet, its got more stability and bleeding edge technology than Ubuntu, and no headaches on updating like when a new distro release is out
Ok fine then... Install Slack! LOL.
It's awful. I don't ever want to touch it again. Go Debian Jessie (EDIT: and use the beta installer and upgrade to Sid if you want apt.
TL;DR. Ubuntu is good for your average consumer, but not so good for "enthusiasts".
Its great for average use. My only problem is the dash amazon ads issue that I really resent. That is why i switched to Mint for everyday use. Ubuntu-based with an elegant environment and without the amazon crap.
You should try it.
Review starts at 40:30.
Xubuntu is my favorite Ubuntu flavor. It uses xfce which is an awesome desktop. Ubuntu Gnome is not that good. Fedora is better if you like the Gnome desktop.
You can even uninstall it if you want...Its not about the practical thing, its the mentaity of the system and Canonical trying to fool average users by having this by default on and integrated on the dash. For me its unacceptable for a free software company.
I don't know if people realize that mint is actually a derivative of ubuntu, they even wait for canonical to release new versions. Just mentioning it.
Never really liked the Ubuntu Unity GUI. Personally I use Mint with a Cinnamon GUI. There are a number of GUI themes you can use too. Check out
What do you want to do with Linux?
Not at the expense of its consumer´s privacy rights and by actively trying to trick you on having the service activated without telling you. It should be clearly noted, not enable by default and decoupled from the dash. The non-expert user will not even understand what going on when he sees the amazon results on his dashboard.
It would still generate income. Not that much as by fooling people to have it always on and using it every time they search for their apps, but it would be significant and ethical. No company should be allowed to generate income by tricking people, Free Software or not.
I'm currently running Kubuntu on my desktop and elementary os on my laptop. I'm actually really liking elementary os.
In regards to mint i'm fairly certain it's debian based but I used it to revive an old laptop for staff duty when a hardware upgrade wasn't feasible.
~A wild app appeared!
-Linux user used sudo apt-get install
-It's super effective ;)
What!!!!!! no Zoltan yet :P